Recipe: Pasta Penne with Gorgonzola Cheese

This pasta recipe is very tasty and creamy. The ingredients are easy to find in any supermarket and it takes the time to boil the water to make the sauce.
I won't put quantities, you can  choose how much cheese to use. For the pasta you can calculate about 100 grams per person. I've used unsalted Butter Inalpi, Gorgonzola Cheese DOP by GVerdi, long life Cream by Parmalat, Black Pepper from Tesco and Pennette Rigate Barilla that you can find anywhere. Regarding the long life cream, I've noticed that in UK it is not very popular yet, so you can either use single cream or you can find the long life cream in any Italian deli, in case you can stock up and keep them in your cupboard so you can use  them any time you want to try a new recipe or if there are guests at home for dinner.
While you put plenty of water to boil with a handful of rock salt let's start preparing the sauce by melting  a slice of butter in the wok. I always use a wok to prepare the sauce because I can stir the pasta when ready and the sauce will be perfectly mixed.
When the butter is melted add the Gorgonzola cheese that you have cut in small pieces so it will be easier to melt. I've used organic Gorgonzola from an Italian company called GVerdi that has got an interesting story and I will tell you one day, but you can use any Gorgonzola cheese that now is very popular and you can find it anywhere.
When the cheese  is nearly melted add the cream. This packet of Parmalat "Panna Chef" is 200ml so  if you use fresh single cream just buy a small packet. Actually I think I've seen some long life cream at Tesco and I can tell you, it is a great cupboard staple. I did not add any salt in the sauce because the Gorgonzola is already quite salty.
This is how the sauce must look like, very creamy and uniform. Meanwhile the water is boiling so it is ready for the pasta. Once the  Pasta is cooked " al dente" drain it and stir it in the wok so the sauce will be mixed perfectly.
Grind some black pepper on top and serve still hot. Quick, delicious and filling. For a cheese lover this recipe is a must.


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