Remeo Ice Cream

It might sound strange talking about ice cream in October, but apart from the fact that we are having a fantastic weather, Remeo Gelato (ice cream) is good every time of the year and everywhere. Remeo is a Latin word and it means " I return" so the people at Remeo told me. It is a return to the origins of how an Italian ice cream is made, only with 100% natural ingredients. Being Italians, style is another important part of the culture, so the packaging of the Remeo Gelato has been created by the finest Italian designers.
Remeo Gelato is made in Italy and it is shipped to UK every week. At the moment there are four flavours, coffee, chocolate, vanilla and strawberry, all of them all time classic. The jars have got a lid that can be screwed back so the ice cream is well preserved. There are two sizes, 500 grams and the small one.
I've tried the coffee flavour and it was delicious. The small size I think would be great if sold in theatres and cinema because once it's finished you can screw the lid back and there won't be mess like generally happens when try to discard a small tub of ice cream made in carton that becomes sticky.
All Remeo Gelato are gluten free and suitable for vegetarians. The best delis in London sell them or it is possible to find them in some Italian restaurants, the stockist list is available on Remeo Gelato website at Let me know what do you think.


  1. Cool packaging, looks like premium skincare products. I'm sure the ice cream tastes good too!

  2. Yummy ..the very bestšŸ˜‹šŸ˜‹šŸ˜‹


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